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General Terms and Conditions of Use of the www.sloexport.si Web Portal

This website is managed by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia. The contents published on the www.sloexport.si website are the property of the Chamber and may only be used for non‑commercial purposes, and all the copyright notices must be preserved, i.e. the contents must not be copied, reproduced or disseminated elsewhere.

The Sloexport website contains links to the websites of some other data providers. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry accepts no responsibility for the functioning of these websites and their contents. Nor does the Chamber take responsibility for any non‑operational domains due to any technical issues or domain change, discontinuation or sale by the website owner.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry declares that the data published on its website is prepared with all due care; however, it should be pointed out that all texts are purely informative, and so the Chamber assumes no responsibility for any damages or inconvenience suffered by any user as a consequence of any false or inaccurate data.

The information published on the www.sloexport.si website is part of the databases and as such is protected by the Copyright and Related Rights Act and the European Union acquis. Users are obliged to comply with the provisions of the Copyright and Related Rights Act governing the rights of database providers.

Users must only use the data published on the www.sloexport.si website for their own needs, and may not distribute it, whether free of charge or in return for payment, or facilitate its use by others without the express consent of the owner. Users are not authorised to use or copy individual pieces of data, databases or database parts from www.sloexport.si to another computer or any other media with the purpose of using such data arranged in the same or in a similar way as on www.sloexport.si. Users are liable for damages in the case of any use of data obtained from www.sloexport.si contrary to the General Terms and Conditions of Use of www.sloexport.si.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry provides for the technical protection of databases using a system to prevent the unauthorized use and export of databases or parts thereof. Users undertake not to copy (import) databases or parts thereof in any event and not to use any program tools which facilitate the export of large quantities of individual data aimed at creating a new database.

Users are liable under civil and criminal law for any use of data contrary to the General Terms and Conditions of Use of www.sloexport.si. In the event of a breach of these Terms and Conditions, the Chamber will take action against the offender in compliance with the law.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry grants no consent for the use of the data and is not liable for any potential unlawful use of data from the www.sloexport.si database by any user. Users are criminally liable for any use of data contrary to these General Terms and Conditions, the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1), the Electronic Communications Act (ZEKOM), the Consumer Protection Act (ZvPot) or any other Act governing personal data processing.

For any additional information or authorisations, please contact us at:

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia

Dimičeva 13, 1504 Ljubljana
Telephone: 01 5898 000 
e-mail: info@gzs.si